Wrestle Like a Girl

Wrestle Like a Girl

Aeris Largo, Guest Staff Reporter

As the Sierra Vista’s Women’s Wrestling team scored 68.5 points and ranked eight out of thirty-two teams at the NIAA Girls Regionals, they finish off the last few weeks of their season strong. With only fourteen wrestlers on the girl’s team, the female wrestlers enjoy many victories, including placing second in the Mustang Mayhem Girls Only Tournament and moving on to the Girl’s State Tournament. Leading the team is head coach Brett Terry, who has only taken the leadership role of the team since 2021, but has led the wrestlers to many victories since. Also leading the Women’s wrestling team is Kayli Rhodes, Kailike Madolora, and Kanae Madolora. The wrestlers are excited for one of their team captains, Kayli Rhodes, as she moves on to the Girl’s State Tournament after placing 4th at the Girls Regionals and scoring 17.5 points for the team.

With more recognition for women in wrestling, the competition increases, including SLAM! Nevada, Centennial High School, and Bishop Gorman.  In the wrestling room, the female wrestlers are pushed past their limits to be the very best they can be. The high intensity, high paced environment of their wrestling practices pay off, as many of the girls have taken first place medals home. Though matches are won individually, wrestling itself is a team sport. The team motto, “One Family”, rings true, for its members are there to support one another, and cheer on their family.