Sierra Vista High School offers students a variety of clubs and endless opportunities to explore their interests while creating a safe and supportive environment. The administration encourages students to be creative and develop new ideas for their own clubs. Just this year, a few students came together and brought their idea of a book club to life with the help of their advisors and a month’s worth of preparation. Being part of a book club can be a great way to connect with people who share interests, explore new books, and discuss ideas with others.
Book club, organized by tenth-grade students Christina Fakoya, Hannah Reed, and Tayler Rogers-Fesser. The idea of starting a new book club circulated around March of 2022 and it wasn’t until the 2023-24 school year it became official. Support from multiple students and advisors who were willing to oversee the club’s activities and provide guidance, the advisors who help manage the book club are Ms. Mathew and Mr.Mitchell, our school’s librarian. Tayler Rogers-Ferrer shares, “Christina, Hannah, and I were all staying after school working on assembly posters, and we came up with the idea.” Over the summer, it took months of planning and preparing for the club. Once school started, the main focus was to promote the club around the school and encourage students to join and participate. Book club is most definitely an enjoyable and fulfilling experience that everyone can benefit from.
Being part of a book club can help to expand students’ knowledge, challenge reading habits, and explore new genres. Christina Fakoya expresses, “Some of the benefits of joining a book club are making friends, meeting people with similar interests, expanding you’re reading ability, and being part of a community.” The book club meets in the library every first and last Tuesday of the month. Everybody is welcome to join and their very first meeting will take place on September 26th right after school.