NHS Bounces Back

Filled to the brim with brightness, NHS hosts its meetings in the Lecture Hall (room 200) Kristen Miller directing all the members of NHS

Julianna Hellam, Opinion Co-Section Leader

Kicking off the month of August with a brand new school year, the National Honor Society, or NHS, held their first meeting on August 31st. With in-person schooling reopened, many eager students flock to sign up sheets and grab seats to introduction meetings, searching for clubs that are best suited to their liking.

NHS establishes their first meeting with introductions of the board members and a brief explanation of the organization. Over 90 participants attend with some returning members and many new faces, as for freshmen and sophomores, this may be their first time being a part of the organization.

During this time of last year, while activities and events were postponed due to Covid-19, NHS held online google meets for their members.

“It was tough to get people active on the meets and have them more involved,” stated Historian, Shaina Rae Sta. Ana, grade 11. On the account of quarantine, a large portion of students felt unmotivated to participate last year. Now that in-person schooling is back, there is hope that students will feel motivated again to strive to be their best.

“I’m looking forward to in-person service events because we weren’t able to last year,” said  Treasurer of the organization, Alyssa Ly, grade 11.

NHS is a student-led organization in which board members hold meetings among themselves to plan events for the rest of their members. In order to be a part of the organization, a member must maintain a 3.5 GPA or higher.

“I wanted to join NHS because I knew it would help me understand what it is like to do community service and help others,” added Sta. Ana. Joining NHS is a good way to give back to the community while learning the values of leadership and good character.

“I hope participants will learn that NHS is not just about college applications and getting cords. It’s about helping the community,” quoted Ly. NHS represents the helping hand of the community and encourages members to volunteer more often as the greatest gift in life is the gift of giving.

“Some upcoming events are the blood drive and our monthly clean up around campus,” noted Ly.

“We may also help out with school events either at Vista or other schools,” mentioned Sta. Ana.

The National Honor Society meets right after school, every Tuesday in room 200 and is open to welcome new members.