New Clubs at Sierra Vista

More Choices for Students to Find a Place

Lizette Johnson, staff reporter

Students are returning to Sierra Vista and excited not only to see friends, but also to enjoy clubs. Groups such as: Black Student Union (BSU), Gay-Straight Alliance, K-POP, and Fashion have made its way to Vista’s list of clubs.

BSU is said to help students feel more welcome. Ray’Shaun Gamble is one of the advisors for this club. Gamble stated, “BSU can help students who don’t have a HOME on campus, find one”.

To make this possible they do many activities like, “fundraising, community service, field trips, and learning the black history/culture,” said Michael Dwayne Mason.

Mason is also an advisor for BSU. Everyone is welcome to join the BSU club on Mondays in rooms 200 or 404!

Pamela Poster is the advisor for the Gay-Straight Alliance club and “provides a safe environment”. She allows students to experiment with their, “alternate names,” and be able to “share their preferred pronouns”.

SVHS has kept this club going for 10 years, and Poster is helping it stay strong. This is an accepting place for students to be themselves or somewhere students can support their friends. There are meets on the first and third Thursdays of the month. Poster says she is honored to embrace, “and [celebrate] the idea of diversity”.

The advisor for the K-POP club, Preethi Mathew, says she can “provide an open place for people to enjoy Korean music and dance without getting judged”.

The meetings are in room 901 on every first and third Fridays of the month. During these gatherings, members learn more about “different groups and soloists,” of the culture. They learn dances and even get the chance to perform in assemblies! K-POP club is all about “find[ing] new hobbies and friends that enjoy those hobbies,” says Mathew.

SVHS clubs do not stop there, as new clubs are coming like fashion! Fashion club was just established in early September.

Laruen Magnus, in Grade 12, founded this club with her friends. They soon will enjoy projects like, “fashion shows, photoshoots, designing… and putting together fashion articles”.

Participating in these projects gives students a chance to express their creative side or “free [their] creative expression,” as Magnus said. The club is an important part of SVHS as it is teaching students how to collaborate with others and how to be organized.

Fashion club is not only so students can be creative, but they are also trying to make an impact and, “fight against [fast fashion] with sustainable fashion”. These students are making a difference and are fighting for what they believe is right.

Become a member of a club and find where you fit in, find yourself, find what hobbies or styles are interesting. Whatever it is joining a club will be a step in the right direction.