Block Scheduling Hits Vista

Averi Costa, staff reporter

Starting this 2021, Sierra Vista High School implements new block scheduling. With the purpose of looking for students to be able to expand their learning experience with more classes and have a more well-rounded education.
Why block scheduling was implemented was a mystery to the majority of the student body.

Hailey Brown, freshman student at SVHS said, “I do not understand why they would add two classes to our schedules. I had enough stress with only six and that was middle school.”
Assistant Principal, Derryck Rickards explained, “The Administrative team decided to change to a block schedule for all of the benefits that it provides to students.”
Expanding on this information Rickards stated, “…students have the opportunity to take a wider variety of classes over their high school career, leading to a more well-rounded educational experience.”
While the purpose of the block scheduling was for the students, teachers are enjoying the newly implemented schedule.

Social Studies teacher Heather Foglia stated, “…It allows me to go deeper with content and have time added to my lessons each day.”

She also said, “My biggest thought on block schedule is that it has so much great potential, if it is approached correctly. The best way to approach the block schedule is to be organized, being “present and responsible with students learning.”
Most educators and staff are noticing the positives to our new scheduling, students are feeling the negatives.
Students are unhappy with having an additional two classes and feel homework is still overtaking their free time.
Lana Stevens, freshman student at SV explained, “At my previous school, I had six classes and a lot of homework. Now I have eight classes and I feel so overwhelmed,”
Stevens continues talking about her stress levels and mentioned, “It is hard to keep track of all my homework, not having every class everyday has my brain scrambled.”
Many students feel overwhelmed with their newly found workload, but administration is positive their students will continue to thrive. They are happy to be able to provide students with as many new learning experiences as possible.
The new scheduling has positives and negatives, as everything does. Looking forward, it seems this new scheduling is here to stay.

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