At Sierra Vista High School, the Bible Club sets out to provide students with opportunities for fellowship, study biblical ideology, and give students a space to discuss faith-based topics.
To welcome students into room 311, Christian music plays while students mingle and eat sweet treats provided by Madame Bishay, one of the advisors, accompanied by Mr. Clayman. After the club patiently awaits the arrival of its members and possible newcomers, they begin every meeting with an introduction and an icebreaker. Following the introductions, members discuss faith-based themes by studying and analyzing Bible scriptures, as well as playing games and activities related to the Bible.
Mr. Clayman describes the purpose of Bible Club as “a place for people who are Christians to come together and share their faith with each other, but also a place for people, whether they´re Christian or not, who wants to learn about, or ask questions about, or talk about the Bible… where they can come and they can explore [the club and its values].”
Additionally, Madame Bishay states that Bible Club presents a community where its ¨members come together to read and discuss Bible passages, and to apply it to our lives and gain spiritual growth.¨
Mr. Clayman shares his favorite aspect of Bible Club, stating, ¨I like to see young people who are dedicated to the Christian lifestyle and who are bold enough to share their faith with other people.¨
Isidora Avram (11) adds, “I like how everyone is so open to talk to each other, I feel like everyone feels comfortable talking to each other.”
Due to Bible Club´s smaller ratio of people and some shared student-officers with the Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA), another faith-based club at Vista, Bible Club and FCA collaborate hosting Bible studies, mainly under FCA. Sponsored by The Crossing Church, FCA invites Bible Club members and newcomers to its event called Fourth Friday, where every fourth Friday of the month, Christian students and student-athletes in all of CCSD meet at The Crossing Church. The event provides free pizza, time for free-play for sports and games, and ends with small groups.
Madame Bishay expresses, “Everybody is welcome,” so feel free to catch Bible Club´s next meeting on Thursdays from 1:30-2:45PM. The Bible Club usually meets in Madame Bishay’s room (311), however, due to her temporary leave of absence, the next couple of meetings will take place in Mr. Fox’s room (210).