On May 4, 2024, Sierra Vista Juniors and Seniors glided across the dance floor at the Mob Museum for this year’s “Great Gatsby Prom”. Prom is a staple event for Juniors and Seniors across the United States, Sierra Vista STUCO and Mountain Lion staff aimed to create a night students would never forget.
The Mob Museum offered a unique environment from previous Proms having a much smaller space compared to the open areas students are accustomed to and allowed some students to revamp the Roaring 20’s look.
Arianna Pena (11) STUCO member, mentions, “The venue was pretty nice, it fit with the theme, very different from past venues.” Additionally Toni Rich (12) STUCO member, states the Mob Museum “Was very enclosed but interesting.”
Tiffany Beckham, Prom chaperone and Psychology/History teacher mentions, “I liked the venue, it gave students a lot of options, with the different levels and sections that catered to preferences, there was room on the dance floor even though it was hot, refreshments were spread throughout. I believe it worked out well.”
Pictures, food, dancing, being with friends, and more can all be enjoyed by students at Prom. Pena comments her favorite Prom activity is, “The dance floor, although it was really hot.” Rich mentions, “My favorite part is pictures and getting ready.” Additionally, Travis Vaz (11) states, “Free food is the best.” Riley Dubner-Crane (11) adds, “I like how everyone dresses up and you get to see everyone in a new perspective, outside of school.”
Beckham states, “I hope students have a lasting memorable experience with friends and classmates, my Prom was at my high school and few people danced because of how open it was. I also hope students experience safety and are confident in getting from one place to another, especially in Vegas.”
Many students look forward to their plans after the Prom which can vary from going out with friends, keeping the night alive, going to get ice cream, or going to a party. Dubner mentions, “After Prom, I am going to take a limo, take photos with my friends, and go home.” Vaz states, “I am going to go bowling with my friends.” Kamryn Castillo (11) added, “I am looking forward to getting a sweet treat after Prom with a couple of friends.” Although most students go their separate ways at the end of the dance, the dance is the moment the Junior and Senior classes spend together.
Traditionally toward the end of the dance Prom Queen and Prom King are announced, this year before the dance ended Jayla Collins, 12, and Haben Woldabyezgi, 12, won their positions as Queen and King. Make sure to say congratulations to the two royals in the hallways.
Full of dancing, food, music, pictures, and more Prom night left attendees in bliss, Castillo states, “I think students should remember when they go to events they are in charge of how much fun they have, never be afraid to go on the dance floor.” and as F. Scott Fitzgerald, The Great Gatsby declares, “All the bright precious things fade so fast, and they don’t come back.” so make sure to enjoy it.