The Environmental Club

The Environmental Club preparing a poster for Student Council’s Fright Night

Arissa Garcia, staff reporter

Thinking globally, acting locally, and leading the fight for change, Sierra Vista’s Environmental Club showcases students willing to fight back against climate change. Founded in the early 2010s and taken over by Ms. Theriault, the Environmental Club paves the way to bringing awareness and change to environmental conservation. Donating their time every Thursday after school in Rm. 910, members of Sierra Vista’s Environmental Club strive to bring communities together to take care of the Earth.

Ms. Theriault, who also teaches biology and AP environmental sciences at Sierra Vista High School, takes pride in getting to advise the Environmental Club. She shares “The kids are so positive and nice and I find that they are very giving of themselves and their time which is a wonderful trait to have– it always reaffirms my belief that every generation is special. The Environmental Club brings positive light onto Sierra Vista and it shows people there’s so much more to young kids than they think. It’s so easy to discount kids, but there is a kindness and a givingness to young people that just transcends all time.”

Club President, Chayton Dotson (12), dedicates himself to his craft and initiative to conserve the environment. “For me, I really care about our school and the difference we can make. With the environmental club, I feel we can use that to better improve the school. One of my motivators in the Environmental Club is how I’m pursuing a major in environmental sciences at UNLV… love seeing the relationships built between the members and the ideas that they propose towards bettering the school. It also helps with understanding others’ ideas and managing expectations.”

Vice President, Mackayla Arce (11), devotes herself to creating a change for a better climate. Arce shares, “I enjoy the Environmental Club, not just because we are a group that shares the same passion for caring about the environment, but because of the people in it. I was originally drawn to this club because of our advisor Ms. Theriault. Ms. Theriault is Vista’s AP Environmental Science teacher. In AP Environmental Science (APES) we explore the interrelationships of the natural world and analyze different environmental problems. This year, I met Ms. Theriault because I am taking APES. Her passion for teaching others about the environment and warmth towards students is extremely evident, so I joined the Environmental Club. I also had the pleasure of meeting many people within the environmental club and have made several friends.”

Through their efforts, the Environmental Club made significant progress in promoting global sustainability, making a name for Sierra Vista High School. The club made notable improvements to the school, such as switching all the lights to LED lights saving roughly $6,000 while conserving energy. Along with this, the club has participated in the LVMPD National Night-Out and received a $500 reward from Albertsons for their participation in that. The club also achieved a Certificate of Commendation from Senator Harry Reid in recognition of their efforts. Aside from all these achievements, the club participates in other events such as Fright Night, and Spring Fest, and volunteers at other events when contacted.

Chayton Dotson runs the Environmental Club stand at during Sierra Vista’s Fright Night.

Working towards a better tomorrow, the Environmental Club empowers students to fight for the change they want to see in the world and has created a positive name for Sierra Vista High School thanks to its many achievements.