Senior Sunset

 The Strip sparkles from a distance as the sun sets for Sierra Vista's seniors.

The Strip sparkles from a distance as the sun sets for Sierra Vista’s seniors.

Julianna Hellam, Editor-in-Chief

As the sun sets upon the class of 2023, Sierra Vista organized a celebration for their seniors to commemorate their milestone achievement of soon becoming high school graduates. On Tuesday, May 9th at 7 p.m., seniors gathered on the football field for their one and only Senior Sunset as they spent a few of their last cherished moments together.

Student Council arranged the event with snacks, beverages, games, photo booth displays and music. Some seniors got competitive and played games such as Jenga, Connect Four, and football; whereas, others laid out picnic blankets on the field to take pictures and eat snacks.

Brayden Martin and Shaina Rae Sta Ana challenge each other to a game of Uno while they relax on the football field.

Addisyn Schmeisser, a senior and publications member, commented, “I had an amazing time with my friends. Right when I walked in I was offered to grab a lei and snacks to share with my friends. When we got on the field, we were able to play Jenga and connect four. My favorite part of the night was being able to spend time with my friends and share laughs together.”

Graduating senior and volleyball player, Micah Castillo, shared, “I arrived with a few of my friends, and we hung out on the field as we took pictures together. There were not as many people as there were at Senior Sunrise, but I still had a good time anyways.”

Unfortunately, due to the cloudy and windy weather seniors could not see the sunset, but regardless the evening carried on smoothly and the glittering lights of the Strip made up for the weather.

Senior and student council member, Selam Feleke conveyed, “The event was fun and it looked like everyone was having a great time even though it was a little windy.”  Feleke continued by mentioning the importance of Senior Sunset.

Selam Feleke and Tiara Sy wear matching leis offered to them at the entrance by Student Council.

“I believe this was an important event for the seniors because we are all departing after graduation, so this moment was for us to all gather together for possibly our last times and enjoy high school before it is completely over,” added Feleke.

A big congratulations to the class of 2023! Sierra Vista will be cheering on all the graduates on May 24th at the Thomas and Mack at 3 p.m.