SVHS’s Gender and Sexuality Club

Sofia Pizzo

Co-presidents Javen Tinagan (he/they; left) and Arora Hernandez (they/them; right) pose in room 923 for their final Gender and Sexuality Alliance club meeting of the 2022-2023 year.

Sofia Pizzo, Student Life Co-Section Leader

Sierra Vista’s Gender and Sexuality student-led club aims to create a safe space for students to talk about gender and sexuality with pride and affirmation, with the intention of educating people on the LGBTQ+ community, while abolishing hate and ignorance.

The GSA is a vital part of SVHS’s community, as it is an inclusive space for all students, and aids in spreading awareness and educating others about the LGBTQ+ community. Further, the club can help students that are struggling with gender identity have an outlet to express such difficulties, which can be especially helpful if students do not have supportive parental figures and role models at home.

The Trevor Project states, “Many LGBTQ youth lack access to affirming spaces, with only 55% of LGBTQ youth reporting that their school is LGBTQ-affirming and only 37% saying that their home is LGBTQ-affirming. Fewer than 1 in 3 transgender and nonbinary youth found their home to be gender-affirming and a little more than half (51%) found their school to be affirming.” Gender and sexuality affirming spaces are extremely important, and the GSA club strives to increase the LGBTQ+ affirming rates in schools.

Mr. Austin Anderson, GSA’s staff advisor says, “It is my goal to host a safe and welcoming space. GSA is a fully student led organization and it is the club’s mission to create a warm and welcoming space for people to abolish ignorance and hate towards the community.”

Arora Hernadez, one of the club’s co-presidents, along with co-president Javen Tinagan, says that GSA helped them gain confidence and become more acclimated to their community. “In my experience GSA has helped me come out of my shell and overcome some of my social anxieties. It gives me a chance to be loud and proud in a judgment free area.”

In addition to developing a safe space for students, GSA helps students form new relationships. Co-president Javen Tinagan says, “Most people who come into our club forge friendships with like-minded people, and often, these people are new to the school.”

Hernandez and Tinagan agree that the club is essentially a big friend group. Hernandez says, “We all gather once a week and just catch up and talk about what’s going on in our worlds. We’re a very open group, so we welcome anyone who may have questions about our community and even those who may just want to learn.”

This semester, GSA met on Mondays in room 930. Unfortunately, the club’s last meeting was on Monday, May 8th; however, anyone who would like to join the club next semester is welcome to. The only requirement is an open mind!