Distributive Education Clubs of America Competitions

Vista’s DECA Dominates

During the DECA State Career Development Conference at the Horseshoe Hotel, all the members, including their advisor Mr.Christensen was able to take a group photo before their long-awaited competitions.

During the DECA State Career Development Conference at the Horseshoe Hotel, all the members, including their advisor Mr.Christensen was able to take a group photo before their long-awaited competitions.

Penelope Marquez, staff reporter

Sierra Vista’s DECA club, (Distributive Education Clubs of America) is a club for students to show their knowledge of marketing and their ability to work well with others. This year, they are hosting a competition where different schools can come to compete to show off their marketing skills. The competition provides a realistic way for members of DECA to apply social and leadership skills in real-life situations. Nine out of the fourteen members received recognition and medals demonstration of mastery against 72 of schools across the district. Throughout the year, members of DECA build a foundation of intense knowledge of marketing and business skills in preparation for the State Career Development Conference.

Before students attended the competition, they were required to pay a fee of sixty dollars to cover the cost of their hotel room and other expenses. Students are also required to take a cluster exam on January 24th, 2023 to show their knowledge in marking and to show that they are well prepared. Fourteen members of Sierra Vista’s DECA competed this year’s State Career Development Conference while there also well over 800 participants. Members constantly prepared for competition as their presidents provided boot camps for additional practice role plays and to help struggling members. Competitions are the most exciting event of the year for DECA members and is highly recommended for members to attend these events.

The State Career Development Conference took place at the Horseshoe Hotel on February 14th, 2023. Members of the club had the opportunity to stay at the hotel overnight with their fellow members. Upon arrival to the competitions, students were able to settle in their room with their roommates, and DECA provided them with a complimentary dinner for all members the night before their main competition. While competitions took place on February 14th, students followed a business attire dress code and come well prepared for their group or solo competitions. The day of their competition, members were given the opportunity to complete a community service project by turning old t-shirts into dog toys and donating them to local shelters. Then, members went to the main lobby to compete in different tasks such as role-plays and other activities.

Out of the fourteen members who attended the State Career Development Conference, nine members received recognition and medals for their hard work. Students who received medals included, Brandon Lomibao, Bryson Nance, Angela Ye, and Kai Yeung. Five DECA members, Mathew Chen, Lillian Fuller, Adian Operana, Kira Yeomans, and Jade Hawkins received multiple medals. Competitions gave students recognition for their hard work and dedication to DECA during the 2022-2023 school year.

Jade Hawkins states, “My time at DECA was so amazing! From the people and the atmosphere, everything was so fun and enjoyable to partake in. Competing was so much such a great experience. I was fortunate enough to win three medals and hope to win more next year.¨ While many members agreed, their advisor, Jason Christensen states that he was “very proud” of all who attended and it was everyone’s first time at the DECA conference/competition. The State Career Development Conference was described to be an amazing opportunity for members and something to look forward to every year.