AP Exam Tips

AP Exams begin on May 1 and conclude on May 11 2023

AP Exams begin on May 1 and conclude on May 11 2023

Shyann Richardson, Co-editor

Eagerly awaiting for summer to approach, end of the year activities such as dances, final exams, and graduation inevitably occupy students’ lives and arguably make it the busiest time of the school year. However, students enrolled in Advanced Placement classes cannot afford to ignore the quickly approaching AP exams. AP testing takes place the first week of May. The current testing days for each class are listed on the Mountain Lion Messenger.

Before the actual test commences, students must be prepared to apply knowledge from a year’s worth of learning. Therefore, the previous months before the exam become crucial. While students have been learning and practicing the material all school year, the period of review seems to be the most helpful when preparing for the exam. Ultimately, the chances of success rely on how much effort the student is willing to put into preparation for the test and their mentality during the test which will differ for each student as everyone applies techniques that work specifically for them.

  1. Preparation in key: AP teachers usually dedicate the month of April for review. Students must value this time even though it may seem like a resting period and take into consideration the material of the subject, as each test ranges in difficulty. Some tests require more studying than others.
  2. Teacher materials. Teachers gather an abundance of materials for review such as practice tests, tutoring videos, after school tutoring, notebook playbooks, AP classroom quizzes, in class discussions, or simply course material packets. Although these materials may seem repetitive, taking time to review them will be helpful.
  3. Practice Tests. While time consuming and difficult to take, especially when students are alone, taking a timed practice test will help students grasp the concept of timing and give an idea of what the exam will be like.
  4. Reviewing past exams. AP students can review exams ranging from the late 1900’s to 2022. A question being repeated from a previous exam is almost impossible, but questions will ultimately be similar in nature.
  5. Motivationial factors. The benefits of a qualifying AP score will always be promising. Although it can be difficult for high school students to comprehend them in present time. Small rewards after studying and motivation from friends can be helpful for students during this period of review.
  6. AP teamwork. It is common for an AP class to be considerably small. Fortunately, this allows students the opportunity to build a class relationship. Students can find more comfort in a room with people they know as their AP friends when taking the exam.
  7. Avoid cramming. Contradictory to popular belief, knowledge from months of learning cannot be reviewed in a few days, especially for students who take multiple AP classes. On the day of the exam, the unnecessary and avoidable stress from cramming paired with the intense testing environment augments pressure onto students.
  8. Proper rest. While being consistent with studying is academically advantageous, there must be limits when it comes to working. Over exertion is common for AP students especially when combined with stress, therefore it is important to sleep properly, specifically on the night before the exam.
  9. Coming to the exam prepared. For Sierra Vista students, testing takes place in the library. Although the library is a calming place for students, on the day of the AP exam stress levels are high and the strict regulations that take place result in a serious atmosphere, therefore, be prepared with a pencil, eraser, and pen to ease unneeded stress.
  10. Skipping questions. During the exam, if a question becomes too difficult and starts interfering with the time, skipping it and coming back at the end may be the best solution. Make sure to bubble in something as there is not a penalty for guessing.

In order to achieve the benefits of a qualifying AP score, students must score a three or higher to pass their AP exam. A qualifying AP score not only gives students the opportunity to boast but can also save time, effort, and a significant amount of money in the future.