Varisty Quiz

Varisuty Quiz members organize materials for a practice round of Q & A

Kimberly Arellano, Student Life Co-Section Leader

Varsity Quiz is a club for students who love trivia; the categories range from history to science to pop culture. The Varsity team meets every Monday and Tuesday after school in room 814.

Algebra teacher Brandon Pagao advises Varsity Quiz at Sierra Vista. Varsity Quiz features trivia questions in a variety of categories, Varsity Quiz is a district club. Pagao explains, “Varsity Club is actually a district club, meaning it is not something unique to just Sierra Vista, but rather something schools in the district can partake in.”

Joining the Varsity Quiz team provides students benefits such as improving students’ critical thinking and meeting other students. Pagao shares the benefits of joining the Varsity Club, “There are lots of benefits to participating in this club. For students who really ache to test their knowledge banks, this club provides that challenge. For students who are seeking to learn more about various topics, this club creates an engaging environment for students to obtain information.”

Varsity Club offers not only information about various topics, but also buils a community open for every student to join. Pagao explains, “For students just looking for a community, this club provides a community of friends and colleagues that can bond. The club offers many opportunities regarding academic and social goals.”

Any students interested in joining Varsity Club are welcome. As Mr. Pagao further explains, “There are no requirements to join. Just a mind ready to answer questions.” Joining a club helps students to build a connection with other students. Schools form clubs to bring together students with similar interests.

So, if a student is ever in the mood to answer questions after school on a Monday or Tuesday, they should check out Varisty Quiz in room 814.