Flag Football

Sierra Vista Flag Football Varsity team huddling up with head coach Devin Jones before the game. Picture captured by Denice Hernandez.

Taylor Fesser, staff reporter

In this year’s Flag Football season, the B team dominated the season with a record of 8-4. JV followed with a record of 5-7 and Varsity a record of 3-9. This season, the players and the head coaches Devin Jones and Denice Hernandez worked together to create a successful season. The players ended the season with a game against Palo Verde on February 9, 2023, their biggest challenge, sadly they did not win; however, they won a home game against Cimarron High school on February 7, 2023.

Sierra Vista Flag football’s Varsity offensive playing against SECTA. Picture captured by Denice Hernandez

Star seniors include Jasmine Macias, Kelani Kahaleanu, and Mekayla Soto. Star senior and Varsity center Jasmine Macias expresses her opinion on the season, “Our season could have gone way better in many ways, but the adversities we faced as a team really brought us together as one. Being tasked with constant obstacles that were out of our control was very unmotivating, but we pushed each other to be the ‘best ME for WE.’ There is always room for improvement, but I believe that thinking positively and having a winning mindset is what makes me a better version of myself.”

Junior varsity player Kylie Kham shares, “What I could’ve done this year better trained my slack off, my body wasn’t used to being so active as it used to anymore so I’d get tired faster. Next year if I were to join then I would prepare over the summer on my own time.”

Freshman Teihani Ah Mook Sang additionally says, “In my opinion for girls that haven’t played before the freshman team did a really good job. As an individual, I think I did well, but I think I could’ve done better.”

The team agrees that Devin Jones’s coaching helps them become the best player that they can be, Jones shares, “It’s hard to explain why I enjoy coaching there are so many reasons. I’d say it’s a passion of mine. I hope my players become the best they can be.”