Tragedy in Michigan

Averi Costa, Student Life Co-Section Leader

A traffic stop gone wrong… Shot and killed by a white officer, 26-year-old Patrick Lyoya, a  refugee from Congo, loses his life during a traffic stop in western Michigan on April 04, 2022.  Dr. Werner Spitz, a 95-year-old medical detective, confirmed that Lyoya died from a bullet to  the back of the head in his autopsy report. Benjamin Crump, an American attorney on the case  claims the event to be a “classic case” of racial profiling because of white officer Christopher  Schurr registering the bullet. Christopher Shcurr followed Lyoya, a black man, for several  blocks, and eventually stopped Lyoya due to the license plate not matching the car. The license  plate belonged to a former roommate, reported The Detroit Free Press; the ownership of the car  is unclear. Lyoya tried to flee the scene after being stopped, causing a pursuit between the officer  and Lyoya. Officer Schurr attempted to detain him, firing his taser multiple times and missing,  while Lyoya attempted to get ahold of the weapon causing a struggle. As stated by authorities,  Lyoya did not have any weapons in his possession when Schurr shot him. After news of the  shooting and videos of the incident were released, public protests occurred demanding reform.  Later charged with second-degree murder, Christopher Schurr will be sent to trial on March 13,  2023. The charge carries a maximum life sentence with the possibility of parole. Patrick Lyoya’s  father says through his English interpreter, “It’s almost seven months now, our hearts still broken,  we still mourn Patrick,”