Spotlight on Student Council

Isabelle Moyer, staff reporter

Sierra Vista High School maintains one of the most spirited Student Council programs in Clark County School District. Student Council is an organization where students create the culture of the school. Student Council makes and displays school decorations for dances and makes posters. While Student Council members work diligently to increase the school spirit at Sierra Vista, most days however, not all of the Student Council members get their deserved recognition.

All of the Sierra Vista Blue Crew spreading spirit at a football game.

Sierra Vista High School’s Student Council advisor, Mr. Gibson supervised Student Council over the last four years. Previously, Mr. Gibson helped around the school with events, dances, and SV beats, which inspired him to step up and step into an advisory role. While Mr. Gibson did not participate in Student Council during his high school years, he led the football and volleyball teams as team captain and had years of experience managing in business. 

Mr. Gibson states Student Council tries to, “improve school culture and student enjoyment of high school”. Student Council works to organize all types of events happening around the school such as dances, assemblies, decorations, prom, senior sunrise and senior sunset. Student Council spends between a week to two months (depending on the event) to prepare and arrange all the details in order to make it perfect. 

Student council advisor Mr. Gibson also explains that student council not only gets involved with making posters and putting together dances but also celebrations for American Education Week and Veterans Day. Student Council members also attend zone conferences to learn about other programs to better improve their own. A zone conference is a board committee who discuss topics such as funding, student opportunities, and student engagement and are open to the public. Student Council does their best to give back to the community by helping other

in-school programs and performing community service hours such as cleaning up around the school and participating in national events like the blood drive and donations like the canned food drive. 

Junior Student council member Emmy Divich, has been a member of Student Council since her sophomore year. Divich shares that she joined student council because, “It’s a really good way to meet new people and increase my skills in various areas of expertise”. Divich future shares “I have noticed how things I’ve learned in student council have applied outside of it as well”. 

In order for students to be a part of Student Council, members must meet the following requirements: maintaining a 3.0 GPA, a letter of recommendation, and an interview with Mr. Gibson and the Student Council President, Lourdes Fuentes. Student body President Fuentes shares, “What I enjoy most about student council is working with new people everyday and being able to teach them new things along their student council journey” Fuentes later went on to mention, “Student council has given me the chance to gain a new mindset and mature into the leader I am, and still want to become.” While being in Student Council requires plenty of intense work and is a considerable responsibility, it pays off by helping people and the community. Currently,  Student Council is working on Winter Wishes. If the opportunity appears be sure to thank a Student Council member for all their help around the school.