Senior Spirit Week

Sage Pearson grade 12 kicks off Senior Week representing Michigan State

Ariel Celestine, staff reporter

As the school year winds down, student council hosted a Senior Spirit Week. This happened so seniors have their last spirit week before their high school days are over, and underclassmen
can also say goodbye to seniors before they go on with their young adult lives.

The spirit days consisted of

Monday: College Day,

Tuesday: Stoplight Day,

Wednesday: Country vs Country Club,

Thursday: Dress like Adam Sandler,

and Friday is Superhero day where students can wear their senior shirt or dress in superhero gear.

As the days went by, seniors also had the chance to get special gifts from student council and treats at lunch from BSU, Bible, Spanish, Garden, and Environmental club. On Thursday, SV
Beats played music and musical chairs in honor of spirit week. On Friday May 6th special seniors received recognition during Senior Award Night to honor their achievements they made
throughout the school year, and Senior Sunset also happened Friday evening so seniors could make a few more memories before their school year ends.

Students and teachers continue to congratulate the graduating class of 2021-2022, and hope to see them succeed with their plans for life after Sierra Vista, whether it is going to college or
achieving something to do after high school

Kristen Mcdaniel grade 12 (white shirt)
Liliana Hernandez grade 12 (blue shirt)