The Trials of Final Exams

Dylan Bach, staff reporter

As the school year comes to a close, students have one final challenge to overcome, Final exams that will take place on May, 20th, 23rd, 24th, and 25th lasting 1+hour with a 10 minute break in between the two classes. Seniors take their final exams early May, 16th-19th.

These Top 10 Tips taken from,, and will help students to pass the final exam.

Tip #1 Taking Practice Tests

Practice tests can become an efficient way to prepare for the final. Looking over past test questions or completing a study guide will help build confidence.

Tip #2 Finding the Ideal Place to Study

Finding an ideal location to study can help to study at home or on campus grounds because getting away from everyday distractions like loud noises and phone calls can disrupt from focusing on studying for the exam.

Tip #3 Get Organized

Organize notes, PowerPoints, and study tools before studying.

Tip #4 Planning Ahead

Start reviewing all notes sooner than later for the final exam and take in all the information given before the deadline hits.

Tip #5 Study in Chunks

Make sure to study a subject no more than one hour, then take a break, then study again for a different subject, and repeat.

Tip #6 Active Learning

Active learning involves asking reflective questions such as: how important is it? How well organized is it? Where does this fit into the big picture? What are the definitions of key terms and where did I learn this concept before?

Tip #7 Study Together

Getting together with friends or others and forming a study group helps everyone to improve their chances on the final because helping each other can boost the stability of those who need to prepare to take the final.

Tip #8 Make Healthy Choices

Always eat a well-balanced breakfast before the final, track emotional health/stress level, and schedule a time to prevent an all-nighter.

Tip #9 Never Stress Out

Try to stay calm, proactive, and express a positive attitude rather than being stress-out, worried, and fearful. Plan well, structure appropriate time, and have faith.

Tip #10 Be Efficient

Always stay one-step ahead for exams, and to carefully read each question before starting or looking at other questions.

Semester exams make up 20% of students’ semester grades. Semester exams do give students nightmare’s if they fail to study the required materials that appear on the exams while those who did study the materials and planned everything out for it will succeed.