Senior Memories

What did you enjoy most about high school?

“Being able to adapt around people, socialize, and learn new things everyday.” -Kultida Kanjanawatsiri

“High school was full of ups and downs, I enjoyed coming to school everyday and seeing my friends the most. “ -Shelby Morgan


What advice would you give to incoming freshmen?

”Please don’t block the halls, and you shouldn’t care what others are thinking of you.” -Kimberly Sanchez
“DON’T PROCRASTINATE!!! It’ll bite you in the bum and your senior year will be TERRIBLE. Also, stay positive and look for the small things in life that make you happy; thinking negative will only eat you from the inside.” -Natasha Dancel


What is a life lesson that you took away from your high school experience?

“Everything is temporary and you always have the ability to do better, but it’s up to you!” -Janitza Flores


What are you going to miss most about high school?

“I’m going to miss my friends everyday. I’ll miss the consistency of the whole routine.” -Christeen Witt

“I’m probably going to miss a lot of my teachers the most. Mr. Brown being one of them, he’s been my teacher since I was a freshman. He really cares about his students and always asks me how I’m doing.” – Hunter Ross


If you could go back in time to your freshman year, would there be anything that you would want to change?


“I wouldn’t change anything if I could go back to freshman year. Everything I did that year made me a better version of myself.” -Sage Lopez
“Worry less and enjoy more. Don’t be afraid to talk to people and partake in activities.  -Xavier Miranda


Do you have the same friend group that you came to high school with? If yes, explain-  if no, explain.

“Kind of- I’m still friends with a few of them, but we’ve drifted from the group.” -Anjela Ryan

“Sometimes people grow in different directions. Other times you learn more about a person and realize they’re not right for you”- Anthony Marquez