Coming Soon . . .

Averi Costa, staff reporter

Netflix released the first season of Stranger Things on July 15, 2016, and the show instantly became a fan favorite series. Recently, Netflix released the date in which the first of two parts to Stranger Things Season Four will finally be released (May 27, 2022). The end of season three, aired in July of 2019, left fans waiting on the edge of their seats for season four to be released. After binge watching the first three seasons and enduring a nearly three year wait, recalling the main events naturally becomes challenging, so here is a refresher for anyone who wants to jump right into the strange world of Stranger Things.

Season One of the series introduces the main character, Eleven, and her soon to be best friends. This season is all about finding Will Byers who mysteriously vanishes into the “Upside Down” in the first episode and fights to save his life. Will disappeared in the “Upside Down”, an alternate world that many predatory creatures inhabit. While many events happen during the season, it closes with Eleven defeating the Demogorgon, a creature born from the Upside Down, to protect her friends and “family” but then she disappears, leaving fans wondering if she is still alive.

Season Two of Stranger Things starts off with a one year jump into the future. Eleven has yet to appear, and it is around the one year anniversary of Will’s time in the “Upside Down”. Will has many flashes of seeing monsters in the “Upside Down” and this causes him to get infected and taken over by “Mind Flayer”. Eleven returns from the Upside Down where she disappeared after defeating the Demogorgon to notice Will is no longer himself. With his family and friends searching for a solution, the Mind Flayer continues to infect others, some losing their lives; thus becoming the next challenge for El and her friends to overcome. The season concludes with Will’s family performing an heat-induced exorcism to free him of the Mind Flayers control and a battle with the demodogs who were controlled by the Mind Flayer to attack innocent people. As a final note at the end of the season, it is clear the Mind Flayer is still out in the universe.

Season Three starts off exactly one year after the finale of the previous season. Dustin, Eleven’s friend, hears a message in Russian and becomes highly suspicious of the true meaning. Once Dustin uncovers the Russians message, they become another “monster” for everyone to face. Dustin and a couple other friends go to the mall to investigate the Russian base while Eleven is seeking out the Mind Flayers’ next victim; Billy. With many battles and fighting in between, the season concludes with the Russians defeated, and Sheriff Hopper sacrificing himself to close access to the Upside Down. Will and his family, along with Eleven, move out of their hometown of Hawkins, Indiana and all viewers are left wondering what will come in Season Four.

The wait for season four is finally coming to an end. Fans anxiously await for the next season. David Harbour; actor in the series, held up his phone with the message “ST4 is coming soon, promise.” hoping to ease fans’ stress on the wait. Thankfully the entire cast returns for the upcoming season, including David Harbour after his character’s tragic end in the third season of the series. During an interview with Entertainment Weekly Harbour says, “You’ll see a lot more layers about Eleven…” Providing small teasers to the fans about what they can expect, Harbour says, “I think I have the best storyline”.

The Secret is Out thanks to our beloved sheriff played by David Harbour


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