Broadcast Journalism

A behind the scenes look at filming.

Joy Villanueva, Editor-in-Chief

Every day during third or fourth period, students and staff tune into Sierra Vista High School’s  very own student-led news broadcast to learn the latest “buzz” around campus. Although it looks  like an easy task, it is not. Now, as the school year approaches its third quarter, the hard-working  group of individuals prepare to show what happens behind the scenes. 

Directors of the program, seniors Steven Heng and JD Talplacido, explain what having  announcements means for Vista. “Having Vista news everyday makes a difference in this school.  It allows every mountain lion student to know what is occurring around this school,” says Heng.  “It can range from lunch specials to important educational events such as ACT bootcamps and  college meetings to club meetings as well.” continues Heng.  

No two anchors are ever the same during the announcements. “Our main anchors are usually  assigned by the producer, Angel, which has to be different everyday.” explains Talpacido. Specific locations are dedicated to filming alone. “Announcements are being filmed in the back,  which is also known as the studio.” notes Talpacido. 

Announcements are filmed prior to release. “We film our news a day in advance,” says Heng. Despite how well the announcements seem to be put together, setbacks are in order to come up every now and then. “The hardest thing behind doing the Vista news is time management.” states  Heng. “Sometimes we struggle with writing the script, along with technology malfunctions, such  as receiving audio through the microphones. As always, we have students who are able to fix  that,” continues Talplacido. 

As the school year develops, the Broadcast Journalism program takes with it. “The Mountain  Lion News has altered from last year to this year through the production of graphics,” answers 

Heng. “Graphics have been a vital change for this year’s news, because we utilize this website  known as ‘’, which allows us to make outstanding graphics.” ends Heng. Be sure to watch this team’s amazing work during announcements every morning to stay in the  know about Vista’s current and upcoming events.

Anyone interest can click here for access to past broadcasts.