Fire and Ice Dance
March 2, 2022
On February 4th, 2022, Sierra Vista High School’s Band and award-winning dance team Dynasty hosted the 1st annual Fire and Ice dance at Sierra Vista High School, as a substitute for the traditional Sadie Hawkins’s dance that typically is held in February but postponed until March 12.
As the dance approached, a spirit week the school hosted to go along with the dance. Monday Pajama Day, Tuesday Fire Kicks, Wednesday Opposites Attract, Thursday Diamonds are Forever, and Friday Rep your class Colors.
Ms. Melissa Bushee, the band instructor, and Ms. Ashley Mendez, the Dynasty Coach, hosted the dance. The Hostesses came up with the dance as a way for students to come together and have a good time. Ms. Bushee specified, “We really wanted to try and provide a cool experience that was around Valentine’s Day.” Ms. Mendez also stated, “We noticed that Sadie Hawkins got rescheduled this year, so we figured it was the perfect time to launch Fire & Ice.” Something new included in the dance is the election of a Fire King and Ice Queen. Each person that attends the Fire and Ice dance gets to nominate a Fire King and an Ice Queen. Once the students have voted for King and Queen at the end of the dance, they randomize the top three picks. The Fire King is Kursmark Lillie, and the Ice queen is Koval, Savannah.
Ms. Melissa Bushee and Ms. Ashley Mendez hope to make this dance a tradition in the following years.